Message from Mariana Méndez
Mariana Méndez & H.P.FRANCE 20 years together, “ A world expanding through creation ”
The Creative Process requires a mind that drives it, hands that generate it, a receiver that interprets it, and finally a user that enjoys it.
This process is delicate and needs the synergy of all these elements for Creation to fulfill its function, especially when the goal is to create "Art to wear" In the relationship between Mariana Méndez and HP FRANCE we have achieved this process successfully and synergistically. It's a great joy to celebrate 20 years of collaboration, with the challenge each Collection to better interpret the Japanese client and offer an increasingly suitable product for her tastes. (Mariana Méndez)
Mariana Méndez とH.P.FRANCEの20年 クリエイションが世界を拡げる
Mariana MéndezとH.P.FRANCEの関係は、このプロセスを うまく相乗的に実現させてきました。
日本のお客様をよりよく理解し、皆様の嗜好に合う商品を提供しようというチャレンジを コレクションごとに重ねてきて、今回 20年にわたるコラボレーションをお祝いできることは大きな喜びです。(マリアナ・メンデス)
2020秋冬の新作が、9月23日よりH.P.FRANCE Boutiqueと記憶H.P.FRANCEに並びました。